Contact CCAE.

We encourage a distinctive, design-based culture through the development of a conceptual and innovative design. This is achieved by a combination of technical explorations, finding new trajectories in design, and forming programs for advanced spatial analysis. The year will begin with an introduction of the city of study, the theme, and the range of interests for that year. The wider theoretical concerns of the course are elaborated through an intensive period of fieldwork study and, in different periods and types, speculative design testing and refined distillation.
Our students have been successful in several International and European competitions and have been exhibited at distinguished forum including: Lisbon Architecture Triennale (2022), Athens Biennale (2017), Istanbul Design Week (2013), Tallinn Architecture Biennale (2013), “Excursus into the City” Workshop, TU Delft (2018), “Urban Emptiness” Symposium, Edinburgh (2016), and “MENA-NORDEN Symposium (2015). Áine Walker (MArch 2019-2020) was awarded the distinguished Serjeant Award by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) for her design project Anamnesis: Connective (Re)Collections based in Lisbon Portugal.
Most recently, two projects from the Islands Unknown Studio (2020-2021) were selected to be exhibited at the Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2022 “Visionaries” Exhibition and are finalists for Universities Competition Award - were designed by Calum Gallogley, JJ Stack, Anthony Keniry (Lost Landscapes) and Katie Hamilton, Keeva O'Sullivan (The Inhabitable Ecosphere). Laura Healy, who also graduated from the Course in 2021 and the Islands Unknown studio, was recently exhibited at the Tate Britain. Her drawing formed part of the exhibition - 'Cyborg Futures' - which is part of the Series called 'ART NOW' that was curated by Shawanda Corbett. It explored the links between humans and technology by looking at how the future of art might be visualised and created using machines and different forms and types of Artificial Intelligence (A.I).
Our students have also achieved European Architectural Medals for Best Diploma Projects. In 2015, Kieran Cremin and Eoghan Horgan's project Entangled City: Reconciling Cultural Dissonance was awarded a European Architectural Medal in Architecture (Prize for Innovation). That year Aisling Byrne was also shortlisted for the European Architectural Medals (Best Diploma Project) for her project Collective Amalgam Ephemeral Traces.
Dr Jason O'Shaughnessy, MArch Programme Director
T. +353 (0)21 420 5684 (Direct line)
T. +353 (0)21 420 5676 (Main Office)
Application details & Information https://www.ucc.ie/en/ckr42/
Professor Kevin McCartney, CCAE Director
Dr Samuel Vardy, CCAE Associate Director
E. samuel.vardy@mtu.ie
Ms. Gerry McCarthy, Senior Executive Assistant
E. architecture@ucc.ie
T. +353 (0)21 420 5676 (Main Office)